Tuesday, 29 January 2013

quick trip away

Ceiling of the Dubai international airport - where we are waiting for our flight to Frankfurt
Well this came out of the blue - but I just had to take the opportunity to tag along on my husband's work trip! First stop Frankfurt, Germany for three nights then on to New York where I will stay while my husband goes to Toronto. I can't wait to see my Aussie friends who live in Brooklyn who were kind enough to put us up for 11 nights just six months ago! I would never have dreamed we'd be back again so soon.

It's going to be freezing... especially in New York where the forecast is predicting a top of 1deg when we arrive there next Friday - eep! I've got my laptop and a bunch of art journals and look forward to undisturbed creative hours perhaps at the New York City Library or The Metropolitan Museum while my friends are at work. Take a look at my photos from my recent trip to New York here.

I think it's safe to say you can expect some travel photo posts soon.


1 comment:

  1. How gorgeous is that window. The colour is delicious. I'm standing by for more pics.
