A vision of pure joy - arriving at Granny and Grandad's house at the end of the dirt road. |
I've had many people ask me how I thought of the name 'White with Three'. It is actually named after the way my Granny has her tea! She has always had quite the sweet tooth which she lovingly shared with her grandchildren. Chocolate pudding, ice cream topped with carnation milk and butterscotch lollies are a familiar part of my childhood. Having married a sugar cane farmer, my beautiful late Grandfather in 1952, I guess she was just supporting the sugar industry!
Their farm house sits amongst sugar cane paddocks, sprawling lawns, dusty sheds and farm equipment in north Queensland - a playground for us kids growing up. While my Granny has a sweet tooth, she has a sweet nature to match. As kids when the time would come to leave the farm, Granny would put her two hands on her head to make bunny ears and then wave goodbye to us with them. And she started a family tradition of drawing pretend chooky stamps on all birthday/christmas/occasion cards generally with the chook wearing high heels, a string of pearls or something fanciful (scroll down to see a picture!). On sleep overs at the farm she would make us what she called a 'nest' of blankets and pillows to cuddle up in while we watched movies. I think if there was a lottery of grandparents then we won the jackpot.
This post is dedicated to my beautiful Granny who still, at the age of 79, has her tea white with three. I wanted to share with you some images of the farm that transport me back in time to the most amazing childhood one could ask for.
With my love of all things sweet I think it's fair to say I inherited my Granny's sweet tooth too.
The old farm house (the top half) was built by my late Grandfather and his father when he was just 14 years old. |
Granny loves adorning all her windows with floral curtains. |
The sugar mill in the distance - the sickly sweet smell during season reminds me of tractor rides
with Grandad around the farm. |
This is a chooky stamp I drew for Granny on her birthday this year - note the two eggs about to hatch were a reference to my sister's pending twins! Granny's first great-grandaughters. |
Granny loves her garden and this orange tree has been bursting with fruit for as long as I can remember. |
My beautiful Granny with me on my wedding day last year. |