Wednesday, 5 March 2014

plants make me happy

Post Bunnings Trip - so many pretties I couldn't stop at one!

As I continue to ruffle around my nest in Geelong things are really starting to come together. After much furniture hunting, picture hanging and riddle-solving it's really starting to feel like a home! I'd say the biggest transformation so far would be the addition of plants. There is something about their leafy goodness that really changes a space. I think plants trump all other decor and are quite cheap too.

I've had a walk around my home and taken photos of all our new little friends. I especially love the little plant above on my bedside next to the Sandra Eterovic print I bought recently - looks so mysterious peeking out from behind the bushes! I actually bought this print for the baby's room but I had to have it... pfft look at me stealing from my unborn child. I do have surplus art for the nursery though...

I've had a crush on the 'terrarium' trend for a while now so experimented with potting plants into glassware and just loved the results. I didn't go out and buy anything new - I just repurposed some unused vases and glasses! I don't know if this one below classifies as a terrarium as it's not enclosed in glass but a gold star for effort I say. Most of the plants I've chosen are succulents so I'll be conscious of making sure they get enough sun and take them out for a gathering on the back deck once in a while.

I'll be sure to share the rest of the house with you when it's ready. I have six weeks until my baby is due so there's nothing like a hard deadline to get things hurried along...


My first terrarium effort... I think the gold spray-painted lion really finishes it off! The painting to the right is the result of some of my gouache experimenting.

I love the mixing of plant types!

This little guy is on my desk. I love how you can see the earth and rock through the glass.

I found this plant stand at an antique store in Brisbane and finally found something to go in it! I freaking love that metallic gold pot with hairpin legs.

I placed the entire plastic pot into this antique tin - didn't bother actually repotting it in there.

This plant is actually a 'hanging' plant so his tentacles will surely start to grow down and spill over the bookcase... should look pretty. I picked up the little paper flag at Supergraph a couple of weekends ago.

Looove this gem vessel from Beneath the Sun. Sitting beside it are some maracas we bought in Colombia a couple of years ago.

This gorgeous plant really finished off this corner of the lounge and looks so nice next to this photo I took of a woman in Colombia - she was selling fruit on the street.

Another gold animal - couldn't resist.

This handsome thing sits on our tv cabinet... we chose a glossy plastic pot so it wasn't too heavy... and I don't think you could tell it was plastic at a glance!